
Shakespeare in Space: Futurama’s Connection to the Bard

In the 1999 cartoon situational comedy Futurama, there is a character named Bender Bending Rodriguez. He is a robot, designed specially for bending girders. Bender shares a number of characteristics in common with another famous character: Hamlet. Through Futurama’s seven season run, Bender behaves in the same passionate, morose, and obsessive manner as Hamlet time…

Gender Fluidity in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night

In William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, or What You Will, an interesting story unfolds of gender identity, love, and sexuality. In the nation of Illyria, after a storm sinks their ship, young Viola and Sebastian find themselves marooned and separated. Viola chances upon a rescue by a ship captain, who tells her about the land where…

The Guild of The Hunter God, Revised

Revisionary work is a great process for improving your work, as well as discovering your voice and your strengths. Both through reading the works of other students and through submitting my own for review, I gained a greater understanding of how storytelling in fiction can be done in a way that entertains, tantalizes the mind,…

The Games I Love

I love video games. When I was eight years old, my family got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. It was a cold morning in North Carolina in our military base housing complex as my siblings and I ran down the stairs to the living room. We opened a number of gifts, until my brother Vincent…

Sonnet 6: The Light Painter

A light is cast about thy sunny face. My heart erupts at what thy sight imbues. Thy mind abounds! It sees a blighted space And transforms it into unending hues. The theatre is blest by thine auspice. A cyclorama shaped to shine so bright. Thy shades of blue reflect upon the ice Of God’s fair…

Sonnet 5: The Orange

On the path where I walk there is an orangeWhich lay, five long days now, moldered, more fringeOf peel and rind than fruit; acrid, citrusStink filled air, with I it’s only witness. Surprised was I no creature dined the snackBefore rot took it, yet as I looked backAt the human intervention I knewNo thing could…

What is Human?

Many of the things which we may think are activities only humans participate in are not ours alone. War, animal husbandry, and agriculture are all activities that many species of ants have as staples of their societies. No, the things that are most uniquely human are not strictly for survival in the ways that food…

The Erasure of Women

Earlier, I saw a Twitter post in response to The New York Times attributing the creation of Science Fiction as a genre to the author H.G. Wells. Not to diminish his success in the genre, but that attribution is utterly false, as most would agree, since the preeminent Science Fiction origin novel is Frankenstein, by…

True Words

I have been meaning to tell you that there ain’t no meaning. Meaning “no,” ain’t there? That you tell to meaning, “been, have I.” I have been. Meaning: To tell you that there ain’t “no.” Meaning, Meaning, no ain’t there, you tell. To meaning been, have I. I have. Been meaning, too. Tell you, that…

40 Winks

The sudden jolt of atmospheric entry jarred Adam to consciousness. He’d experienced it a number of times in his life as a xenominer, but from what he could tell no one ever got used to it.  That life was long gone though. Adam looked at his hands; once the hands of an honest miner, now…

The Vicar

A priest, a grocer, and a butcher lived in a shared apartment on Wallace and Third. It wasn’t much, but for the three humble men, it was home. They shared all they had with one another, which also wasn’t much, each man being devoted to the public service of their rural community, giving what they…

Cosmology of Consciousness

Since the times of antiquity, humans have wondered about the world around them. They observe natural phenomena, study the patterns created by them, and attribute meaning to them. Where understanding fell short, metaphor filled in nicely, giving rise to many philosophies the world over. This sense of wonder remains with us in our time, although…

Look At Your Hands

I have lived on a farm, not just visited. I have trudged through great mountains of pig shit, pled With a damn milk cow as she stood on my foot For four gallons of sweet cream, as white as sand On Ozarks levee.  I have made salt butter and cream cheese, pressed The cloths of thin whey, and drank the…

Let’s Review: Amitav Ghosh’s The Great Derangement

Author Amitav Ghosh begins their essay The Great Derangement with a review of the human condition; how we as a species respond to the world around us, especially when it defies our expectations. With the line, “who can forget those moments when something that seems inanimate turns out to be vitally, even dangerously alive?” (Ghosh,…

Putting the LGBTQ in the Literary Canon

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick wrote extensively on the place of homosexuality in the literary canon, especially in the authors thereof. The evidence of this lifestyle is apparent in some cases quite clearly, in others more obscured, but in most cases, hidden from the public view due to prevailing sentiment that homosexual lifestyles were wrong by the…

Hymn of the Human Form

The Human form is Nature.As Natural as a bird builds a nestAs a fox digs a denAs a mother knits a blanketAs a father builds a skyriseBeside fellow men, for Human formsWho weave their Natural lives

Issues with Barthes & Deconstructionism

In The Death of the Author, Barthes describes that, “writing is the destruction of every voice, of every point of origin.” This puzzled me. How is it that one could view writing in such a way? In poetic forms, voice holds different meanings than it may for Barthes, yet his statement is made in such…

The Left Hand of Darkness: A Story of Gender Identity

Since its publication in 1969, The Left Hand of Darkness has received both acclaim and criticism. This makes sense, considering that the controversies in the book center around the nature of gender and sex, told from an ardent male viewpoint, hanging heavy with use of masculine pronouns. Despite any monumental achievement in The Left Hand…

“A Social Kind of Privacy”

Office work weren’t always in cubes.Got Rob Propst to thank for that.1968, and he built walls for workers,Walls for focus, walls for barriers. No Friends beyond a wall. Walls make Enemies of outsiders. The 60’s was filled with walls,An Iron Curtain, still not enough to keep the fallout,’Cause Vlad Putin thinks we need another war.…

Le Guin, Dear Mother

It was Spring, 2001, when I first truly met you.Your maps, rich with names I couldn’t read,A magic that spoke to me, your words so trueThat I could not help but know the power of a name. When I was gifted the magic of words, they were yours.I saw your wizard, his journey and tears,…

Elegy of the Midwest

He who do, does.He who don’t, don’t.Really, simple as that. He who is, was,he who ain’t, ain’t.Why argue ’bout it?Take time with it,the meaning a does.When the doing ain’tdone, it becomes don’t.No matter what it waswhatcha meant by that.Y’all walk along thatdivide, of what itmeant, or why it wasmeant for them who does.Life grows old…

The Phantom of the Opera: A Story of Surviving Abuse

Coming originally from author Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera is a staple story that many could discuss without having ever read the book or seen the films. It pervades our time with its narrative of love, loss, and suffering. Many may simply view The Phantom of the Opera as a simple love story.…

Why Do We Have Pets?

Chances are either you or someone you know has a pet. They’re cuddly, warm, comforting, and even utilitarian. But why do we have them? When was it that a person decided, “you know what? I am going to keep this dog?” Was the decision originally purely utilitarian, or was there more at play in the…

Stop Saying One Phrase and Sound Smarter

How we speak is almost as important as what we say and when we say it. Communication at its core is about sharing information, getting the others of our community to feel, see, or think what we are feeling, seeing, or thinking. It is through this substantive process of sharing our ideas that we as…

Mr. Cubbage in The Vault

Mr. Arnold Cubbage had worked from the ground up to become the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh branch. He’d maintained the absolute semblance of the sober mind to do it, and was quite proud of the fact. He didn’t drink, despite the frequent participation in the act by his friends and…


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About Me

Yo, I’m A.C. Moore. My goal is to one day change the world in the same way Shakespeare did: by infusing the thoughts of the human race with such language and turn-of-phrase that they say them daily, and never even know it was I who wrote it.

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